Diversify Risk and Maintain Surety with Construction Management

Discover how Customers can diversify risk and maintain surety with Construction Management (CM). Our latest Blog explores how CM can spread risk and[…]

Communication Advantages of Construction Management

There are significant communication benefits when applying a Construction Management (CM) procurement route. Our latest Blog provides an overview of the communication advantages[…]

Eliminating the Main Contractor’s Slice of the Pie via Construction Management

Our latest Construction Management (CM) blog centres on removing the Main Contractor’s markup. Or alternatively, eliminating the Main Contractor’s slice of the pie.[…]

Improved Quality Through Construction Management

This Blog focuses on the improved quality achieved through Construction Management project procurement. Improved Quality Through Construction Management Construction Management (CM) offers several[…]

Cashflow Advantages of Construction Management

For our series of Blogs on Construction Management (CM) we look at the cashflow advantages of Construction Management via Customer to Trade Contractor[…]

Cost Transparency Benefits of Construction Management

Our latest Blog reviews the cost transparency benefits of Construction Management (CM) procurement. Cost Transparency via Construction Management The open-book nature of CM[…]

Trade Contract Control Benefits of Construction Management

Our third Blog examines the Customer Trade Contract control benefits with Construction Management (CM). We also detail Scribe’s procurement process and how we[…]

Design Benefits of Construction Management

Our second Blog looks at the design benefits of Construction Management (CM) procurement. Design Benefits of Construction Management CM is perfect for complex,[…]

Programme Benefits of Construction Management

In our first Blog we look at the programme benefits of procuring a project via Construction Management (CM). Programme Benefits of Construction Management[…]